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Sixty Nine Vette

15 mars 2012

Interview Radio Jeunes Reims (24/11/2011)

"La sélection locale-RJR" spéciale SIXTY NINE VETTE sur Radio Jeunes Reims présentée par Mélissa Krantz.

Le replay :  


"La sélection locale-RJR" est diffusée tous les jeudis soirs de 20 h à 20 h 30.A écouter sur 106.1 FM (Reims) ou sur le player

18 décembre 2011


05-03-2006 - FISMES

Salle des fêtes, 28 rue Huchette 51170 FISMES.

Premier concert à la convention Rock'n'Metal - very first gig at Rock'n'Metal convention. 

Set list

Sixty nine vette

All they want

No future with me

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Poisen heart (Ramones cover)

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

Liens - links : 


10-03-2006 - MUIZON

La Muizonnaise, 1 rue de Soissons 51140 MUIZON.

Première partie de TUCKER - opening act for TUCKER.

Set list :

Sixty nine vette

All they want

No future with me

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Poisen heart (Ramones cover)

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

Sixty nine vette


13-04-2007 - REIMS

Le Cheval Blanc, 59 avenue de Laon 51100 REIMS

Première partie de TUCKER - opening act for TUCKER 

Set list :

Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

All they want

No future with me

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

(We are) Brothers

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

(We are) Brothers


16-11-2007 - FAGNIERES

Centre de culture André Gallois, chemin de la Terrière 51510 FAGNIERES. 

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

All they want

No future with me

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets

Liens - links :

Presse - press :


17-11-2007 - REIMS

Local A.M.C., 76 rue du Docteur Lemoine 51100 REIMS.

Organisé par Harley Davidson Club de Champagne.

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

All they want

No future with me

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets

Liens - links :


24-11-2007 - REIMS

Le Cheval Blanc, 59 avenue de Laon 51100 REIMS

Mini festival en hommage à François "Bassman" Tailleur. 

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

4 leather jackets

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

Poison heart (Ramones cover)


15-12-2007 – REIMS

Pop Art Café, 103 Avenue Neufchâtel 51100 REIMS.

Avec les Volfonis en première partie – with the Volfonis as support band. 

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

All they want

No future with me

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets

Encore : Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

Encore : All they want


27-03-2008 – REIMS

Pop Art Café, 103 Avenue Neufchâtel 51100 REIMS.

Première partie de SIENA ROOT - opening act for SIENA ROOT. 

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

All they want

No future with me

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No tough guys in love

Fuck you

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets 



Fête de la musique avec SHOEILAGER. 

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

All they want

No future with me

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

Fuck you

No tough guys in love

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets


13-06-2009 - SOMME-VESLE

Place du 8 mai 1945, 51460 SOMME-VESLE.

Somme-Ves'tival 2009 - Somme-Vesle Festival 2009.

Set list ;

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette

(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No future with me

Jeffrey’s gone

No tough guys in love

Fuck you

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets

Needle lied

Liens - links :

Presse - press :



Centre Social et Culturel Vallée Saint-Pierre 1 rue Jean Sébastien Bach 51000 CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE.

No-Hell Metal 3 Festival.

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette


No tough guys in love

(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No future with me

Jeffrey’s gone

Fuck you

4 leather jackets

Needle lied

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio (Ramones cover)


27-02-2010 - JUVIGNY

Salle polyvalente, route de Matougues 51150 JUVIGNY.

Première partie de SHOEILAGER - opening act for SHOEILAGER.

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette


(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No future with me

No tough guys in love

Jeffrey’s gone

4 leather jackets

Selling my soul

Fuck you

Needle lied


05-06-2010 - SOMME-VESLE

Place du 8 mai 1945, 51460 SOMME-VESLE.

Somme-Ves'tival 2010 - Somme-Vesle Festival 2010. 

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette


(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No future with me

No tough guys in love

Jeffrey’s gone

4 leather jackets

Selling my soul

Fuck you

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

Needle lied

Liens - links :

Presse - press :


12-03-2011 - BAZANCOURT

Salle Michel Prévoteau, place de la Mairie 51110 BAZANCOURT.

Tête d'affiche de "La nuit Bazan Rock #2" - Headliner of "La nuit Bazan Rock #2". 

Set list

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette


No tough guys in love

(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No future with me

Jeffrey’s gone

Fuck you

Selling my soul

Going crazy

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets

Needle lied

Liens - links :


11-06-2011 – SOMME-VESLE

Place du 8 mai 1945, 51460 SOMME-VESLE.

Somme-Ves'tival 2011 - Somme-Vesle Festival 2011.

Set list :

V8 / Love’s not worth dyin’ for

Sixty nine vette


No tough guys in love

(We are) Brothers

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Stay free

No future with me

Jeffrey’s gone

Fuck you

Selling my soul

Going crazy

Poison heart (Ramones cover)

4 leather jackets

Needle lied

Liens - links :

Presse - press :




Fête de la musique 

Set list :

Selling my soul

(We are) Brothers

Sixty nine vette


No future with me

Jeffrey’s gone

All they want

No tough guys in love

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Fuck you

Liens - links :

Presse - press :



Le Contrepoint, 1 rue Jean Sébastien Bach 51000 CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE.

Delirium Fest X

Set list :

Sixty nine vette


Jeffrey’s gone

Christmas of sidewalk

No tough guys in love

Selling my soul

(We are) Brothers

Fuck you

Going crazy

Organisé par l'association Delirium Tremens Prod.

Lien - link :

Presse - press :


12-04-2012 - VITRY LE FRANCOIS

L'Orange Bleue, quartier des bords de Marne, 51300 VITRY LE FRANCOIS

Apéro Mix

Set list :

Sixty nine vette


Jeffrey’s gone

Christmas of sidewalk

No tough guys in love

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Selling my soul

(We are) Brothers

Fuck you

All they want

4 leather jackets

Going crazy

Rappel :

Love's not worth dyin' for

No future with me

Lien - link :


21-06-2012 - REIMS

Gin Pamp, 14 rue Théodore Dubois, 51100 REIMS.

Fête de la musique.

Set list :

Love's not worth dyin' for

Sixty nine vette


(We are) Brothers

Fuck you

No future with me

Jeffrey's gone

No tough guys in love

Selling my soul


Christmas of sidewalk

4 leather jackets

Pussy, booze and rock'n'roll

Lien - link :

17 décembre 2011


"Goin' crazy" (live 2012) : filmé par Katy Sage.

"No tough guys in love" (live 2012) : édité par Blumenfeld Studio.

"(We are) Brothers" (live 2012) : filmé par Marie-Andrée Lamic.

"69 vette" (live 2011) : filmé par Morgan Bizien.

"Love's not worth dyin' for" (live 2011) : filmé par Michel Krauzé.

"No tough guys in love" (live 2011) : filmé par Michel Krauzé.

"Selling my soul" (live 2010) : filmé par David Deforges.

"Jeffrey's gone" (Live 2010) : filmé par David Deforges.

17 décembre 2011


Interview de FRED par Gérard de Zikannuaire (04/08/2011)

Bonjour Fred ! Commençons notre entretien par la petite histoire groupe...

Ca faisait des années que j'voulais remonter un truc dans l'trip rock minimaliste, et c'est quand j'suis tombé par hasard sur Cachou que l'projet s'est concrétisé. Rital nous a rejoint, et c'est seulement au bout d'un an et demi sans batteur que Sam est venu compléter l'groupe, c'est donc en août 2005 que tout a vraiment commencé. 

Vos influences flirtent clairement du coté punk underground. Quelles sont-elles exactement ainsi que votre progression musicale ? 

Les Ramones étaient tout naturellement nos fondations, mais venant tous les quatre du hard rock et en ayant gardé des séquelles, le résultat fut rapidement hybride, à tel point que personne, même maintenant, ne peut nous coller d'étiquette (ce qui n'est pas pour nous déplaire). Concernant la progression musicale, si tu veux parler d'évolution des compos, nous essayons justement de ne pas évoluer (dans le bon sens du terme) car c'est bien souvent synonyme de perte d'identité. 

Vous venez de sortir un premier album "Pussy, booze and rock n'roll". Pouvez-vous nous le décrire de l'intérieur, les influences, les thèmes ? 

Nos influences ne sont pas très bien définies, les Ramones sont assez présents bien sûr, pour le reste nous laissons libre court à notre feeling. Dans un sens très, très large l'amour domine la plupart des textes," No tough guys in love", "Jeffrey's gone","(We are) Brothers" et " No future with me"." Selling my soul" et "Stay free" pronnent la liberté, et enfin" Needle lied" qui se dresse contre l'heroïne.  

Cet album ne comporte que sept titres malgré un répertoire connu de plus de dix huit titres,  pourquoi avoir restreint à ce chiffre sept ? 

Lorsque tu écoutes un album court qui t'accroche vraiment, quand tu arrives à la fin du dernier titre tu n'as qu'une envie c'est le remettre au début, on a voulu laisser les auditeurs sur leur faim. Quand tu écoutes un album long tu finies par perdre ta concentration. C'est comme le cinéma, on préfère 100 fois un film intense d'1 h 20 à un film de 2 h 10 qui ne maintient pas le rythme et ne te tient pas en haleine. 

Un grand amour pour les brothers Ramones ? 

Un des rares combos qui a su rester intègre, au même titre que Motörhead, j'n'en vois pas d'autre. 

Que penses-tu de la scène punk actuelle, distribuée le plus souvent entre un rock engagé et un képon typé californien ?  

Quelle scène Punk ? 

Quel est votre processus de création qui fait quoi ?  

Soit Rital apporte un riff, la plupart du temps c'est le titre complet, et nous nous greffons tous les trois dessus, ou bien j'apporte une ligne de chant et Rital trouve un riff derrière. Ensuite Sam et Cash apportent les arrangements, ils sont hyper complémentaires. 

Ce skeud est une autoproduction me semble t'il, comment s'est passé l'enregistrement ?  

C'est effectivement une autoproduction, c'était donc dans notre intérêt de perdre le moins de temps possible, l'option de faire les prises de son live s'imposait forcément. La batterie, la basse et la guitare furent enregistrées en même temps, ainsi que moi comme voix témoin. les prises chant étant bonnes dès le départ, on les a gardées, un gain de temps considérable, en un jour et demi nous avions mis sept titres en boite. 

Au niveau matériel, êtes-vous fidèle à vos instruments, ou aimez vous le changement perpétuel, la découverte ? 

Rital est très fidèle à sa Les Paul Custom 69 même si il joue de temps en temps sur une guitare de sa fabrication, qui sonne d'ailleurs à mort. Cash, lui ne se sépare jamais de sa Fender Precision 69, quand à Sam, ca n'est pas la fidélité qui l'étouffe, il peut jouer sur n'importe quelle batterie du moment qu'il a sa propre caisse claire et ses cymbales.  

De quel groupe français, puis étranger vous sentez-vous artistiquement les plus proches ? 

Pour les groupes Français, les B.B. brunes bien sûr ! Mort de rire... Honnêtement je n'vois pas, on ne ressemble à personne, pour ce qui est du groupe étranger, c'est forcément les Ramones, même si nous en sommes très éloignés.  

Quel est le dernier disque que tu as apprécié ?  

"Pussy, booze and Rock'n'roll" de SIXTY NINE VETTE. 

Quelles sont vos ambitions actuelles ?

Jouer le plus possible et pouvoir partir sur la route, le reste suivra… 

Je te laisse conclure cet entretien avec un coup de gueule, ou un coup de cœur... 

J'ai eu un coup d'cœur pour trois bandits prénommés Francis (Rital), Jean Claude (Cachou) et Samuel (Sam), ah ça oui, un vrai trio d'bandits, ils feraient passer Motörhead pour les castors juniors... 

Gérard pour

Lien :

Sixty nine vette car

photo (C) JN SIROT

16 décembre 2011



He drove his car when he saw her on the edge

It was love at first sight but she was a woman to pay for 

On first two times he paid for the tricks she turned

But she fell in love too and she gave him her body for free 


All they want is loving each other

All they need is being together

All they want is loving each other

All they need is being together 


He’s a friend of mine, she’s a hooker from the East

Happiness last for a year and she’d been arrested as a pro 

Now behind bars and waiting for her trial

She feels so desperate to be so far away from her man 


All they want is loving each other

All they need is being together

All they want is loving each other

All they need is being together


BITCH (2009) 

You’re a modern girl

Who likes to have some fun with guys everyday and night 

You’re a modern girl

Who likes to have big fun with girls so far from the light


How many lovers did you fuck with ?

How many lovers ?

How many lovers did you fuck with ?

How many lovers ?


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ?




You’re a modern girl

Who likes to have some fun with guys everyday and night 

You’re a modern girl

Who likes to have big fun with girls so far from the light


How many lovers did you fuck with ?

How many lovers ? 

How many lovers did you fuck with ?

How many lovers ?


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ?





I love rockin’ with the boys

Makin’ big noise, talkin’ about women as toys 

We are the bastards, we are the bastards baby

No need to say and we’re not gonna change our way


We are brothers, we are brothers


I love rockin’ with the boys

Makin’ big noise, talkin’ about women as toys 

We are the bastards, we are the bastards baby

No need to say and we’re not gonna change our way 


We are brothers, we are brothers



‘74, New York City saw them born

‘75, many gigs 'round the U.S.A.


30 years later they play rock’n’roll in hell

But they’re still alive

30 years later they play rock’n’roll in hell 


‘76, L.P. of revolution

"Hey ho let’s go"  sung everywhere around the world 


30 years later they play rock’n’roll in hell

But they’re still alive

30 years later they play rock’n’roll in hell 


1, 2, 3, 4

Rock, rock, rockaway beach

Rock, rock, rockaway beach

Rock, rock, rockaway beach

We can hitch a ride to rockaway beach


Rock, rock, rockaway beach

Rock, rock, rockaway beach

Rock, rock, rockaway beach

We can hitch a ride to rockaway beach


"Hey ho let’s go" sung everywhere around the world

For many years, 4 leather jackets on the road 


30 years later they play rock’n’roll in hell

But they’re still alive

30 years later they play rock’n’roll in hell


FUCK YOU (2007)  

An evil dwarf got the power

Today we know this country’s in danger

Your nickname is fuckin’ liar

And all we know it’s your best character


Fuck you ! Fuck you ! You lil’ man

Fuck you ! Fuck you ! Who do you think you are ? 

Fuck you ! Fuck you ! You lil’ man

Fuck you ! Fuck you ! Who do you think you are ?


Look at yourself with your too large suits

I’d like to kick your rat face with my boots

Only one thing I’d like to tell

Hope you will die before to bring us hell


Fuck you ! Fuck you ! You lil’ man

Fuck you ! Fuck you ! Who do you think you are ? 

Fuck you ! Fuck you ! You lil’ man

Fuck you ! Fuck you ! Who do you think you are ?



On this day when I came back

Came back to reality after few years of drinking 

I discovered a new world where everything was so dark

Where everything was so slow


I didn’t know if it was true or if it was just in my mind

I don’t understand anything


Am I going crazy ?

Is life with no booze made for me ?

It’s so boring to be free 

Am I going crazy ?

Is life with no booze made for me ?

It’s so boring to be free


Doctors said to me "you’re dead"

Your liver is such a sponge and your blood tests are no good 

So I decided to stop and I don’t know why I’m here

I’m just like a living dead


I didn’t know if it was true or if it was just in my mind

I don’t understand anything


Am I going crazy ?

Is life with no booze made for me ?

It’s so boring to be free 

Am I going crazy ?

Is life with no booze made for me ?

It’s so boring to be free



I’ve spent my life with his voice

Which saved me many times when I was miserable 

I’ve spent my life with his voice

Always by my side then it faded away


Jeffrey’s gone, all alone

Jeffrey’s gone, all alone


I’ve spent my life with his voice

Which saved me many times when I was miserable 

I’ve spent my life with his voice

Always by my side then it faded away


Jeffrey’s gone, all alone

Jeffrey’s gone, all alone



I remember this very first time

When I saw this guy on the street

He had his face down in the gutter

A bottle of cheap wine in hand


He seemed to be a living dead

A fuckin’ bullet in the head 


He choose the wrong way on this day

Love’s not worth dyin’ for

He choose the wrong way on this day

Love’s not worth dyin’ for


Then I tried to know more about him

And I met someone who told me

"He was in love and love turned away

Then he tried to kill himself with a shot"


He seemed to be a living dead

A fuckin’ bullet in the head


He choose the wrong way on this day

Love’s not worth dyin’ for

He choose the wrong way on this day

Love’s not worth dyin’ for


(Spoken) His eyes full of tears, his mind filled with memories

Always thinking back of his angel, he’d like to die again 


He choose the wrong way on this day

Love’s not worth dyin’ for

He choose the wrong way on this day

Love’s not worth dyin’ for



Lil’ bit scarred first time you saw the spoon

But there was no U turn 

Then it was done, you got ticket to heaven

That it was what you believed


You felt so strong, addicted to that shit

You could do anything 

But this heaven fastly turned into hell

Then you understood that… 


Needle lied


(Spoken) Then you tried to give it up

But it was too late, your will was killed


Until this day, this day you went to far

When rope took you away 


Needle lied



I met this girl, she fell in love with me

She said «you drive me crazy, crazy, crazy»

She held me tight and then she kissed me

And I gotta say it went pleasantly


I met this girl, she fell in love with me

She said «you drive me crazy, crazy, crazy»

She held me tight and then she kissed me

And I said I'd like you to know baby


You got no future with me

I’m just a kid as you can see

You got no future with me

I’m not made for a family


I got no job, I got a rotten car

I wasn’t born under a lucky star

I spend most of my time in the bars

Places where I like to spend my dollars


You got no future with me

I’m just a kid as you can see

You got no future with me

I’m not made for a family


Hurry up to go home lil’ girl

You’d feel better in your social whirl


You got no future with me

You got no future with me... Baby

You got no future with me

You got no future with me... Baby



Whatever you say, whatever you try to make believe

There’s no tough guys in love 

When your girl left you, you told your dudes "I don’t fuckin’ care"

There’s no tough guys in love 


You’re proud in the streets but when you’re alone

You’re proud in the streets but when you’re alone

When night comes down… There’s no tough guys in love 


Tears in your eyes when you’re thinkin’ back of the good times

There’s no tough guys in love 

You do hope she calls but your cell doesn’t ring anymore

There’s no tough guys in love 


You’re proud in the streets but when you’re alone

You’re proud in the streets but when you’re alone

When night comes down… There’s no tough guys in love 


You do hope she calls but your cell doesn’t ring anymore

There’s no tough guys in love 

Deep inside yourself you think she left for someone else

There’s no tough guys in love 


You’re proud in the streets but when you’re alone

You’re proud in the streets but when you’re alone

When night comes down… There’s no tough guys in love



When I was young, one’s told me you’ll be a good boy

You’ll go to church on sundays and you won’t look at girls… no ! 

But when I was seventeen, I chose my own life

I said « fuck ! » to everyone, I had found my way


Pussy, booze and rock’n’roll

Is there something better than pussy, booze and rock’n’roll ?


When I was young, one’s told me you’ll be a good boy

You’ll go to church on sundays and you won’t look at girls


Pussy, booze and rock’n’roll

Is there something better than pussy, booze and rock’n’roll ?


But when I was seventeen, I chose my own life

I said « fuck ! » to everyone, I had found my way


Pussy, booze and rock’n’roll

Is there something better than pussy, booze and rock’n’roll ?



You tell me I’m too rock’n’roll but I will never sell my soul

I was born to play rock’n’roll 

You tell me I’m a fuckin’ rebel but I will never sell my soul

I was born to play rock’n’roll


I don’t want, I don’t want to sell my soul

I don’t want, I don’t want to sell my soul


You tell me I’m out of control but I will never sell my soul

I was born to play rock’n’roll 

You tell me I’m a fuckin' rebel but I will never sell my soul

I was born to play rock’n’roll


I don’t want, I don’t want to sell my soul

I don’t want, I don’t want to sell my soul




Sixty nine vette are on their way, never out of gas

Sixty nine vette were born to play, born to kick your ass


We’ve just come to share some fun, just to shake your soul

We’re just like a loaded gun, loaded with rock’n’roll


Sixty nine vette… we’re sixty nine vette


Sixty nine vette’s build to perform and obviously to win

Sixty nine vette’s a fire storm, a fuckin’ mean machine


We’ve just come to share some fun, just to shake your soul

We’re just like a loaded gun, loaded with rock’n’roll


Sixty nine vette… we’re sixty nine vette


We’ve just come to share some fun, just to shake your soul

We’re just like a loaded gun, loaded with rock’n’roll


Sixty nine vette… we’re sixty nine vette


STAY FREE (2006) 

I’m in this fuckin’ hole, desperately alone with my soul

Don’t wanna talk to anybody

I’m just a number, call me nobody


This shit isn’t my life

I’d like to walk around with my wife

In this trash I’m dying by inches

Don’t need to tell ya of my best wishes


Stay free ! Jail isn’t a nice place to be

Stay free ! Don’t dare this cop country

Stay free ! Jail isn’t a nice place to see

Stay free ! Don’t dare this cop country


Don’t wanna sleep no more, close to those bastards bad to the core

There’s a thing I’ve always been scared of

It’s just being like a radio turned off


Feel like to kill myself, don’t wanna spend one more nigt on this shelf

I’d like to go back home, I’d like to be

But I know so well it’s not up to me


Stay free ! Jail isn’t a nice place to be

Stay free ! Don’t dare this cop country

Stay free ! Jail isn’t a nice place to see

Stay free ! Don’t dare this cop country


I’m in this fuckin’ hole, desperately alone with my soul

Don’t wanna talk to anybody

I’m just a number, call me nobody


Stay free ! Jail isn’t a nice place to be

Stay free ! Don’t dare this cop country

Stay free ! Jail isn’t a nice place to see

Stay free ! Don’t dare this cop country


vette log 2


Paroles et musique de SIXTY NINE VETTE. Lyrics & music by SIXTY NINE VETTE.

1 décembre 2011


Ardenn'Café : et

Blumenfeld Studio :

Bulle FM :

La Cartonnerie :

Delirium Tremens Prod :

Frank Dian :

Emaelle51 :

France Metal Museum : 

Gin Pamp :

Harley Davidson Club de Champagne :

L'Hebdo du Vendredi : 

Musiques sur la ville :

L'Orange Bleue :

Frantz Oz :


Radio Aube et Seine :

Radio Jeunes Reims :

Radio Primitive :

Reims State Of Mind : 

Le collectif Rock 08 :

Rock Hard :

Rocking In A Free World (FIORUCCI Alicia) :

Jean-Noël Sirot :

Somme-Ves'tival :

Spirit Of Metal :

Underground Investigation :

L'Union : 

Zicazic : 

Zikannuaire :

1 décembre 2011


Webmaster : Benoît Vairon.

Photographes - photographers : Katy Sage, Jean-Noël Sirot, Philippe Lonchay, Benoît Vairon.

Responsable merchandising - chief merchandising officer : Katy Sage.

Fumée sur scène - fumee on stage : Jérôme Coffin.

1 décembre 2011


1 décembre 2011


Par courrier :       SIXTY NINE VETTE PROD.

                            C/o Fred Etcheverry

                            5 rue des Moulins

                            51100 REIMS 


Par téléphone :    06 27 79 95 09


Par courriel : (webmaster)

1 décembre 2011


Le groupe a splitté en septembre 2012.


Pour tous renseignements, contacter Fred au 06 27 79 95 09

ou le webmaster :



 The band has split in September, 2012. 


For any information, contact Fred (33) 06 27 79 95 09

or the webmaster : 




photo (C) JN SIROT

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Sixty Nine Vette
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